Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Do ya ever?

Do you ever not have time to do anything? I do. Seems like lately everything has been piling up. School is really giving me a swift kick in the rear end this semester and I am counting the days until it's over. Okay, not really. Why? Cause I don't have time to sit down at count them. It was that or post a blog. You win.

It's has a way of throwing this at you all at once. You know what they say, when it rains it pours. On top of school and being a mother I am struggling with my impending divorce. Yep, I said it divorce. I have been in the closet about it for a while. When is the right time to tell people? I don't think you're really supposed to tell people before you tell your soon to be ex spouse so definitely wait until after that point. My opinion is you should begin to slowly tell people AFTER you have consulted an attorney and AFTER you start the paperwork, which I have.
I'm a bit surprised at the roller coaster of emotions that I have been feeling over the past few weeks. I have come to terms with the fact that my marriage of ten years is over. I am sad about not being married anymore but not sad about not being married to the person I was married to. Does that even make sense? Sure it does, in my mind anyway, and that's all that matters. So if you know any nice Mormon, temple worthy, independently wealthy, strikingly handsome (just thought I'd throw it in, since I'm listing), NOT married guys who are looking for a recently divorced (well, in a few months....we'll have to wait until it's final) mother of three with a slightly dumpy butt who is in nursing school for the next three years therefore cannot consider relocating any time soon, send him my way!

I have been doing a little knitting here and there to ease my tension, we all need an excuse right? I shall now show you a couple of pictures of my knitty handcraftiness since this is somewhat of a knitty blog and I haven't shown any recent pictures.

This is the baby blanket I have been working on. Designed by yours truely (nothing fancy but hey, claim it where you can!). This blanket is headed for a good home and is going to someone who can really use it. She should be heading home with her baby this weekend so that's my deadline....I think I might be able to make it.

This one is for me. I knit it up for everyone else so I decided to make a little sumpin for myself. It's just a plain scarf and it just so happens that I crocheted myself a scarf with the same yarn a few years ago. I must really like this yarn because I bought it again. It's almost completed and should come in nice and handy when winter rolls it's butt around to Alabama.

Now this last picture is a nice one. This picture is of what we affectionately call "the wart hand". Poor Josh. Josh has a wart hand.

Abby won't let him touch her stuff with it. They were eating cotton candy the other day and I heard her say, "Not with your wart hand"! A guy can't even eat cotton candy with his wart hand anymore. I am pleased to report that it is decreasing (slowly) in size. We have been treating it for over a month, it sure is a stubborn wart! Josh has an appointment with a dermatologist to have it removed in Novemeber but I thought I'd keep trying to get rid of it until then. November is a long time to walk around with a wart hand you know.

So I guess that's the skinny here as of late. I'm either going to work on my Chemistry homework or go to bed......I wonder which one will win?