Thursday, April 30, 2009


First I will start by saying, "Is anyone even out there??". It has been months, yes, months since I have even had the slightest desire to blog. Way back when, right around the New Year I vowed to blog more. I lied. Moving on.

To play catch up for all of the 3 people that still may have me on their feed, things are moving along. This semester is finally over, and I ended up with 3 A's and 2 B's. I know. B's suck. But, considering I was taking 15 credits (um, 5 classes), have three kids that all play sports, single mom, divorce, blah blah blah, I guess it's not so bad.

I was reading over my last blog before I posted this one, and I am on my way to meeting some of my listed goals!

1. I turned my application in for nursing school this fall. I am pretty confident that I will be accepted. Once again, this is in the number 1 spot, b/c this will pay Wonder's bills.

2. Signed the divorce papers. Divorce final. Wonder is a single woman! Now what?

Ok, that's all I remember, and I'm too lazy to open a new window to read the others.....forgetful, or avoiding? Hmmm.......

So, I am off the whole month of May, will take Chemistry and Spanish over the summer. I might even give ya'll a little treat and blog in the espanol..huh? Wouldn't that be fun?!

Ok, that really it. Life has been pretty uneventful. Back to my swine flu tracking!