Thursday, June 19, 2008

The thigh bone is connected to the...uhhh....

I would like to begin by giving everyone a small nugget of advice. Unless you don't have anything else to do (i.e. sleep, eat) don't take an Anatomy class over a mini-mester.

It has been reported that I have left the country. Not true. Just going to school. Next thing you know there will be false sightings of me working at Burger King, conspiracy theories speculating as to who might have done away with me and all the while I will be at Martin Hall in Jacksonville Alabama.

I have however (up to this point anyway) managed to keep my head above water and like to think I am doing decent in this class. My goal is to make an A. If I do, I will be convinced that I am of above average intelligence. The amount of information that I have been taking in is seriously ridiculous. I dream of anatomical terms while I am sleeping (I am not kidding), and today the first thought in my head when I woke up was "Deltoid Tuberosity".

So, now I must study some more, neglect ever other responsibility that I have ever known and manage to memorize every intricacy in the human skeletal system before Monday at 7:30 am.

I should really stop here. There is so much more that I could say, since it has been 9 days since my last post but I just don't have time. One day kids, I shall tell you about my fabulous bucket garden, my cat dissection, and how I have totally set up housekeeping in the library.......Ok, I'll tell you about that one now, and then you must wait for the rest.

The Houston Cole Library. 5th floor. I have officially taken up residence. I'm not sure when it started. Maybe when Karen and I decided that the couch on the other side of the floor would work much better for our mini naps than the two sitting chairs that were by our study table. We pondered for a moment, and then moved the furniture. It really has worked out nice for us.

Or maybe it started when we blatantly ignored the "No food or drinks" signs that are posed everywhere and started bringing in bags of groceries. Yes, bags. I should have taken a picture of it. There is an empty bookshelf right in front of our table and it provides a perfect privacy barrier and also makes a wonderful pantry. We bring boxes of crackers, pudding cups, Cup of Noodle, loaves of bread, peanut butter and jelly, and whatever else we think might be yummy and put it on the shelf. We leave it there when we go to class and take it in and out everyday. Much more time efficient than say, eating in our cars.

One more possibility is that it happened when we started giving others who came near "our area" dirty looks. Note that it's not just me and Karen that have claimed stake. There are five of us total. We have wondered if a mini fridge would be going too far, probably.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Twisted Blister

If I were in a band it would be called Twisted Blister. Seriously, there is nothing more gross (ok, there is, but not at this VERY moment) than the exuberant number of blisters I have on my shoulders. Without exaggeration, one is the size of a quarter. I am almost tempted to post a picture to prove I'm not inflating the size. I will, I'm not scared.

You are probably wondering when I will stop talking about my sunburn. The answer is, I don't have to, it's my blog. Eventually I will tire of it though, and I will move on to another intriguing topic.

But in the mean time Twisted Blister is headlining.

In other news: My first ever patterned knitty project is almost done! I am quite excited. I frogged it twice (for those of you "non-knitters" that's official knitter language for took it apart and started over), and have since almost completed it. You guessed it, it's a wash cloth. I am making my grandmother a set for her birthday (Tuesday), so I'd better hurry with the other one.

I also start my summer semester tomorrow, and am not looking forward to the dead rat that I anticipate is waiting for me to slice his furry little body open. What does dissecting rat have to do with nursing you ask? I have no idea.

I'm off to count my blisters. Sweet dreams!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Doogie Howser M.D. reporting for duty!

Just in case you were wondering how my sunburn is doing, it's worse. I broke down and bought some Solarcane today only to return to Walgreen's three hours later to pick up a prescription my doctor called in for me.

You have to love doctors in the south. Sometimes I think I could be one. I will relay my conversation with my doctor:

Me: Hello?

Dr: Mrs. Meetchell?

Me: Yes?

Dr: Iss Dr. Ismail, you got bad sunburn huh?

Me: Yes, it happened Wednesday. I have used a suntan gel and Solarcane which both contain Lidocane, neither one helps for very long. It's hurts pretty bad, I think I need something stronger.

Dr: Hmmm, where is your sunburn?

Me: On my shoulders, upper arms and back.

Dr. Do you have blisters?

Me: No.

Dr: (thinking pause) I am trying to think.

Me: I'll tell you what I would like. I had some Silvadene cream a few years back for a burn and it worked really well.

Dr: Yes, Silvadene cream is good, I will call it in now.

I'm telling you, I am a regular Doogie Howser MD (except I'm 30....and not a boy....and I'm not a Dr., but other than that...). My doctor is just the middle man (an expensive middle man at that). I think from now on I should be allowed to write my own prescriptions. The last time I went to the Dr. (same one) I told him what prescriptions I needed then.

But alas, now I have blisters. I am convinced it was from the cream I prescribed myself. At least it's speeding up the whole process, I have things to do this weekend.
Since I am on the topic of what I am good at, I am also good at rescuing traveling husbands with flat tires who are in the middle of nowhere. It's a natural talent I do believe.

If it weren't for the sun I'd be unstoppable.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sunkist, not just a brand of oranges

So I had a brilliant idea to take my kids to the city pool. It was going to be great. They were going to swim and I was going to read, knit, and take the occasional dip. It was going to be a day of leisure. Notice I said was.

The first stop on the way was to buy a new gigantor bathing suit because of course, last years is too small. I didn't think I would see the day when I chose a bathing suit with a skirt on it. I am officially old. I did it for the sake of public safety however, nobody should be exposed to the horror that is my thighs.

Fast forward to the pool now. We enter, there are people everywhere, and no available lounge chairs to be found. As we are making our way around the pool looking for a place to park we run into a family we know from church. We decided to take up camp next to them, the kids were happy to have someone they know to play with and the world is good. So there I am, lounging next to the skinniest woman I've ever met. She's almost like an accessory, every big girl should have a skinny friend as an accessory and ever skinny girl should have a chubby friend to make her look skinnier.

As the afternoon came to an end I noticed a bit of a burning sensation on my upper arms and shoulders. Hmmm, I bet I will be a little pink, I thought. Wrong. I am officially a lobster. My arms and legs were somewhat tan before, and they are absolutely fine. But the parts of my body that haven't seen the light of day this season are crispy, red, and sore. At thirty, you would think that I have learned to apply liberal amounts of sunscreen before I take up residence next to a large body of water. Wrong again.

I will spare the pictures on this one, for your sake and mine.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Knitty knitty bang bang

Hold on to your pants, I have a lot to say today.

I have this thing, more like an obsession. The obsession is knowing things. I like to know things. I like to know how to do things, and I like to show people the things I know and the things I know how to do. Follow?

This past week when I was in the good ol' Lonestar State I learned how to knit. It has become my new obsession. I know all of two stitches, and have no clue how to read a pattern (I like to start small). I might also add I have become an excellent washcloth knitter. Yes, I knit. I am a knitter. Wash clothes are pretty simple and are still holding my attention at this point. So, if you are on my Christmas list, guess what you are getting!? Below is an example of my handcraftiness. Note my new bamboo needles

Now, for my second little nugget of exciting news. I met a knitty friend today! Yes, I did. Her name is Linda and we shall knit together. I took my mother in-law to the Dr. today and while I was knitty my pants off in the waiting room a lady came up to me and said "I have my knitting stuff too, you have to do something while you wait". I concurred and explained that I had just learned how and I loved it. She proceeded to invite me to Knit Knight (I don't know if it's really spelled that way, but that is how I will spell it cause nobody is the boss) at a local yarn shop. I am totally there I said. Thursday's from 6-9, and get this, you can bring your kids! Don't know if I'll go that far but hey, it's nice to know I can bring my kids if I need to!
I also happened to be at the Walmart today and found some nice bamboo needles for $2.44. It's my lucky day I said to myself. This is quite the bargain since Cathie paid $11 for hers. $2.44 can you believe it?! I also got some yummy yarn to make my wash clothes with. Oh, fun times are ahead. I also got some scrumptious 100% cotton yarn for $1.27. I am raking in the good fortune!

I am sad that I will soon start my summer classes, (although the knit shop I just found out about is less than one mile from JSU and right on the way home. I don't even have to cross the street). this is going to seriously going to infringe on my knitting time. But then again, who needs to be a nurse when you can knit!?