Thursday, June 19, 2008

The thigh bone is connected to the...uhhh....

I would like to begin by giving everyone a small nugget of advice. Unless you don't have anything else to do (i.e. sleep, eat) don't take an Anatomy class over a mini-mester.

It has been reported that I have left the country. Not true. Just going to school. Next thing you know there will be false sightings of me working at Burger King, conspiracy theories speculating as to who might have done away with me and all the while I will be at Martin Hall in Jacksonville Alabama.

I have however (up to this point anyway) managed to keep my head above water and like to think I am doing decent in this class. My goal is to make an A. If I do, I will be convinced that I am of above average intelligence. The amount of information that I have been taking in is seriously ridiculous. I dream of anatomical terms while I am sleeping (I am not kidding), and today the first thought in my head when I woke up was "Deltoid Tuberosity".

So, now I must study some more, neglect ever other responsibility that I have ever known and manage to memorize every intricacy in the human skeletal system before Monday at 7:30 am.

I should really stop here. There is so much more that I could say, since it has been 9 days since my last post but I just don't have time. One day kids, I shall tell you about my fabulous bucket garden, my cat dissection, and how I have totally set up housekeeping in the library.......Ok, I'll tell you about that one now, and then you must wait for the rest.

The Houston Cole Library. 5th floor. I have officially taken up residence. I'm not sure when it started. Maybe when Karen and I decided that the couch on the other side of the floor would work much better for our mini naps than the two sitting chairs that were by our study table. We pondered for a moment, and then moved the furniture. It really has worked out nice for us.

Or maybe it started when we blatantly ignored the "No food or drinks" signs that are posed everywhere and started bringing in bags of groceries. Yes, bags. I should have taken a picture of it. There is an empty bookshelf right in front of our table and it provides a perfect privacy barrier and also makes a wonderful pantry. We bring boxes of crackers, pudding cups, Cup of Noodle, loaves of bread, peanut butter and jelly, and whatever else we think might be yummy and put it on the shelf. We leave it there when we go to class and take it in and out everyday. Much more time efficient than say, eating in our cars.

One more possibility is that it happened when we started giving others who came near "our area" dirty looks. Note that it's not just me and Karen that have claimed stake. There are five of us total. We have wondered if a mini fridge would be going too far, probably.

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