Sunday, July 13, 2008

I tube, do you tube?

I was reading my friend Cathie's blog the other day (um, official shoutout), and she had a link to a video. Of course I clicked, and couldn't believe what I had stumbled upon. I did a little investigating and was pleasantly surprised at what I found. I would like to introduce you to my new friend, Angeleye 732.

Wow. Angeleye is very serious about what he does. Note the intent look on his face when the intro music is playing. He knows he has a job to do and he intends to do it. I'll bet he is Mariah Carey's number one fan. I like his spunk. I also enjoy the way he sways just a bit to the music. Not too much, not too little.

Now, speaking of youtube, I'd like to also share something else with you. Now, I love the show Psyche. I can't get enough of it. I'd watch it all day long if I could. In honor of their new season, I would like you to see this:

I can't get enough of that one either. It is magnificent. Now I have one more for you this day. Just in case you don't realize (and I am sure you do) they guys from Psyche didn't make up the song Ebony and Ivory. Our good friend Sir Paul McCartney and his pal Stevie Wonder are responsible for that little gem. So here my bloggy friends is the original.

That's all for today, I am off to, well, I'm not gonna lie, I'm off to knit. One thing you can be sure of, you are gonna see more of Angeleye732.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Knitty, ankles, and other important stuff

Warning: This blog was written over the course of several days.

Here I sit two weeks since my last post. I have been busy (seriously). Sometimes people say they were busy when they really weren't. This is not one of those times. However, I am happy to report that I am out of school until Wednesday and I am living it up. I mopped my floors last night, I mean how much crazier can you get?

I have a kind of cornucopia of topics today since it has been so long. It's true, you can enjoy a cornucopia even if it's not Thanksgiving and you are without Pilgrim heritage.

1. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geiko. Ok, not really, but that would be awesome. Instead the Geiko lizard stopped by to try to strong arm me into switching.

Picture it. Sicily, 1942 (anyone?). I walk into my kitchen the other day after a long night of studying for finals to find this.

I am insured with Alfa kind sir, now if you would please leave. No such luck. He proceeded to try to woo me with acrobatics. When that didn't work, he got a little cranky.

Karen and I decided that it was time to devise a plan to get rid of him. This plan consisted of a pair of mismatched oven mitts, a plastic cup, a paper box, two mops and a headless Swiffer duster.

Armed and ready. Karen heads off to battle.

Karen tried to just grab him with the oven mitts (which Sissy likes to call muffins). Unfortunately Karen's agility was no match for that of the lizards. He is pretty quick. This just made him mad and he charged us several times. When this happened we screamed and ran in terror. Example 1:

Then we tried to lure him into the plastic cup, didn't work. He was having none of our ingenuity. Come on lizard, throw us a bone. He responded to the cup by charging us again. We responded to his act of hostility by running in terror. Again. Oh yeah, and we screamed. And then we climbed up on a chair. And screamed some more.

Example 2.

Finally after he uncornered himself, and we thought he had hidden himself behind the refrigerator. No, he was hiding among the twelve packs of coke (here is where the headless Swiffer and box come in). We placed the box in front of him, and I prodded him into said box with the Swiffer. At this very moment I am loving the Swiffer people. They should come up with a new slogan, "Swiffer, good for catching lizards too".

2. So last week I thought I might have broken my ankle. I was walking along in Karen's driveway minding my own business just trying to throw a paper towel away. The bowels of her driveway opened up and tried to swallow my foot. I distinctly heard three (yes, three) pops and intense pain. My first thought "Holy crap, I just broke my ankle" my second thought "I have to go take my final, I don't have time for a broken ankle". This was at 7:00 in the a.m. I finally went to the doctor at 5:00 in the p.m. I am stubborn and don't like to go to the doctor, but Karen made me. You will be happy to know it's just a sprain. I did however take a picture of the x-ray, cause well, I carry my camera in my knitty bag. That's right.

Notice how my tibia and fibula join ever so gently with my talus. It's magical. Also, in case you were wondering, that's fluid on the top of my foot. Yep, a little swollen.

3. I have a problem. I need someone to call the t.v. show "Intervention". I need one, and I need one bad. You might have picked up on the fact that I have taken quite a liking to the knitty. Oh, a liking is not the word. It has taken over my very being. If it weren't for the knitty, I might have a clean house right now. Instead I have two partial scarves and some wash cloths. I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday, and what did they have you ask? A sale. A sale like none other. They had yarns on sale for 99 cents!!! We are talking six dollar yarns here people. I took part of this sale I did. It was wonderful. My friend suggested that I should limit myself to only the yarns that I can fit into my yarn box. This is a good idea I think. I just might have to get a bigger box.

4. So my bloggy friends, I go back to school tomorrow. One more month, and then I will have three weeks off before fall semester. Although I have been tempted to drop out so I can sit around and knit all day, I think I would be expected to clean the house or something too, so it is back to school.