Monday, November 24, 2008

One part The Mama's and the Papa's and two parts Beach Boys

So today I was driving to my American Lit. class, listening to the radio, and NOT talking on my cell phone b/c my soon to be wuzband had it disconnected (this is me not being bitter), and guess what I heard?! Come on, guess!!

It was Wilson Phillips! "Hold On" to be exact. Now, I must admit, I like Wilson Philips. Now when I say that, I am talking about pre-1994 Wilson Philips. Pre-Daniel Baldwin marries Chyna, Wilson Philips. Pre-Carnie has stomach surgery on the internets and still goes on Celebrity Fit Club, Wilson Phillips. Circa the "other" girl dresses kind of trampy and seems to just sit on a giant rock on the beach while they sing and Carnie looks way too hot in head-to-toe all black and should consider a different cut for those bangs, Wilson Philips.

Did you know, if you turn the radio up loud enough, you sound just like them? It's like you are the missing member. You should call them, tell them that you can harmonize with them perfectly and tell them they don't know what they are missing without you. While you're at it, you might as well tell them that you have the power to resurrect their careers with your awesome vocalics.
Listening to them gave me a bit of a flashback to middle school. Man, those were the days and I didn't even know it! I had the most awesome hair in all the land, and a leather bomber jacket to go with it! Tight rolling and multiple pairs of socks were all the rage and so was tucking in only the front of your shirt, all of which I rocked by the way.

Yep, that's me. I told you I had awesome hair. 1991 is where it's at.

Those were the days when a girl wasn't ashamed to carry a (full size)can of Rave or Aquanet in her purse. It was a status symbol really. Rave Extra Hold for me, can't have those bangs drooping half-way through the day!

I also kept all of my Wet N' Wild makeup in one of these! Yes my bloggy friend, it's a Caboodle. You know you had one, and if you didn't know you wanted one. I seem to recollect having a travel sized one to keep in my purse as well....

Yes, those were the days of Wilson Philips, Color Me Bad, and Prince. Throw in a little Guns N' Roses and some Bon Jovi to go with it and what more could a girl with lacquered hair ask for? Nothing, that's what I say. Well, maybe some Pop Rocks and a glass bottle of Mountain Dew or something, but that's it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A little bit of knit and a little bit of that

Hark, my bloggy friends! It's been a good while since I have sat down and did a nice blog, so today is your lucky day (to be baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church)! Anyone?

First things first, Caps is having a wee bit of a contest. Just follow the link and you can enter to win a 4 disc Very Chappy Christmas cd set and a little piece of knitty handcrafty heaven. Tell her that I sent you and you can get two entries! Ok, maybe not, but you should still enter.

Now, down to business. Things are going ok, winter seems to be considering rearing it's ugly head here in Alabama....sure is a good thing I have this lovely Quickie Cowl that I whipped up to keep my neck warm! I used Cascade baby Alpaca yarn and it is SOOO nice. Shhh! Don't tel Peta.

Nothing like a nice self portrait to show of a little handcraftiness. Just one more up close picture so you can really see the lace rib pattern.

Sunday was a great day here in the land of Bammie. I was sitting minding my own business (which means knitting) and Abby decides she wants to learn how to knit. Then Mo chimes in and agrees. We sat down in the living room floor and the knitty ensued. They both picked it up rather quickly and aren't doing too bad if I do say so myself....and I do.

I have also been compiling a mental list of knitty goods for Christmas, and since you have been good I will give you a sneak peak.
My grandma will get some yummy slippers made out of this yummy yarn.
I will attempt to make a wonderful Celtic Cable Neckwarmer out of this delicious red Natural Caron yarn if I can ever find a cable needle.
Seriously, does anyone in the state carry cable needles? I have been to the Hobe (that's what I like to call Hobby Lobby) and they have none. Three different Walmarts, negative. My LYS not a single one to be found! If I only had a smelting pot I could make one myself....but alas, the hunt continues.
In more knitty knews (snark!) I started a charity knitting group at my church. I am really excited to be able to donate my love of the knitty to those in need. This month we are knitting and/or crocheting baby washcloths to the local battered women's shelter. Now, my lady says I need a washcloth intervention. But I'm gonna tell you something. I love knitting them. They are fast and easy. I particularly like to knit them up while I am watching t.v. or when I am on the go.....I have made so many that I know the pattern by heart and it's an easy start-stop project.
Now, in knon knitty(I am on a roll today) related news, well not much to report. The semester is coming to a close and I couldn't be happier. I will have 5 glorious weeks of no school! I can't believe I only have one semester left before I start nursing school. Time flies.....even when you aren't having fun.

I have also become acquainted with the world of deadbeat daddery. Nice job fella, that's what I say. I have started looking for some sort of job that will work around my school/family/sleeping schedule. Only problem is, there aren't too many jobs out there! I'd like to find something where I have no responsibilities whatsoever and a boss that doesn't mind if I fill my time doing homework and knitting. If you have any leads let me know!
I am off to write a process speech that is due tomorrow, I will bring the love of knitty to the students of JSU. Yes, yes I will.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Please take a minute

We are all busy. We all have stuff to do. Sometimes we need to stop doing our stuff and help someone else with their stuff. Please take a moment and follow this link to Baby Mia's website or click on the contest entry to your right and help if you can. It's for a good cause! And if you aren't able to donate or add a link to your own site, do something to help someone else today, they will appreciate it!