Sunday, June 8, 2008

Twisted Blister

If I were in a band it would be called Twisted Blister. Seriously, there is nothing more gross (ok, there is, but not at this VERY moment) than the exuberant number of blisters I have on my shoulders. Without exaggeration, one is the size of a quarter. I am almost tempted to post a picture to prove I'm not inflating the size. I will, I'm not scared.

You are probably wondering when I will stop talking about my sunburn. The answer is, I don't have to, it's my blog. Eventually I will tire of it though, and I will move on to another intriguing topic.

But in the mean time Twisted Blister is headlining.

In other news: My first ever patterned knitty project is almost done! I am quite excited. I frogged it twice (for those of you "non-knitters" that's official knitter language for took it apart and started over), and have since almost completed it. You guessed it, it's a wash cloth. I am making my grandmother a set for her birthday (Tuesday), so I'd better hurry with the other one.

I also start my summer semester tomorrow, and am not looking forward to the dead rat that I anticipate is waiting for me to slice his furry little body open. What does dissecting rat have to do with nursing you ask? I have no idea.

I'm off to count my blisters. Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

Caps said...

Hey do you know why they call it frogging??? Oh, we knitters are so clever. It's because you have to "rip it" to start over. Get it? Rip it. Ribbit.
Wakka wakka wakka.