This morning I decided to go through the pics on my memory card. My memory card is pretty much full, and every time I get on a picture taking roll I get the "memory card full" message. Whilst attempting to downsize my stash of pics I came across this one. How could I not post it?
I love this kid. I do believe I saw a Florida retiree with that same hat and glasses once.
I have also started my "winter" knitty! I actually started it a few weeks ago, but like I said, I was going through pictures. I know what you are thinking. It takes a lot of talent to make a scarf. It can be confusing knitting the same stitch the same amount of times over and over.
Now, don't forget about the contest! The deadline is actually Friday at midnight not Thursday at midnight. I have had a combination of emails and comments, so either one is fine, I will still enter you even if you aren't following directions and email me instead! Perhaps more later....I am off to do something. What, I don't know, but something other than what I have been doing so far this morning, which is sitting on my kiester.
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1 year ago
Do you know my grandma's maiden name is Keister? Yeah, it's true. But I wouldn't go around sitting on her. :)
GREAT Photo !!!!! :)
What camera do you use?? The photo is so nice and clear...
Now..What were those directions again for the Contest???? :)
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