Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome Back Kotter!

Yes, school has O-fficially begun. Yesterday was the first day back and was quite eventful. I had pre-calculus at 7:30...yes, in the a.m, and we kicked it off by going over two chapters.

Next was American History, which my prof. emphasized was just a survey class which means we hit the high spots and should be expected to know everything else in between, yummy. My history professor was quite entertaining to say the least. I don't know if I have ever met anyone quite as "Southern" before in my life. Now, no offense to peeps from the south (for the record, I am from the North, you know, the side that won), but nothing is more entertaining to me (other than seeing people fall while not really getting hurt, which we will talk about shortly) than an over-exaggerated southern person, and I have found one in my professor. I will say this to make my point and move on, when going over the basic policies of the classroom; no cell phones, pagers (who the heck carries a pager anymore anyway!?), etc., she added the no video taping and proceeded to tell us of an incident of a "fella" who was apparently taping her one class and upon describing her realization of said incident she said "...and I thought to myself, well hells bells he's tapin' me"!

After that was Oral Communications (a.k.a. speech class) which seems pretty darn do-able (is that a word? I took it upon myself to add the hyphen to make it look more wordish, I think it worked out nicely).

Today was Chemistry and American Lit.....Lit, no problem, my instructor seems to have somewhat of a sarcastic dry humor, which I dig, and it's too bad to look at either (bonus). He does have this funny lisp thing going on, but I can overlook it. Chemistry, that is another story. It was made pretty clear today that this class is H-A-R-D. That spells hard kids, hard. It plainly states in the syllibus to expect to spend at least two hours a day just studying for the class, more if you are not familiar with basic chemistry. Do I need to even say that I fall into the "more" category. Am I remotely interested in chemistry? No. Do I have three plus hours a day to devote to one class outside of classroom time? No. Do I want a housekeeper to come in and clean up after, yes, yes I do, thank you.

On to the very entertaining issue of seeing people fall without getting hurt. I know this is going to bring on some bad Karma, but oh man, it was SO worth it. As I was on my way to Lit, I was driving to the back 40 on campus. As I passed by the R.O.T.C. building there was a guy on a bike, talking on his cell phone, backpack on, and a drink in the other hand. Then, right before my very eyes, BAM! he ran right into the sign outside the building. It might have been the funniest thing I have ever seen short of seeing one of my very favorite people fall off the stairs to the patio one day while my lady and I were waiting for her to BBQ our dinner. I will admit, I laughed (both times) and couldn't wait to tell someone about it. Of course the first thing he did was look around to see if anyone saw him, he knew I was laughing at him, he could feel it. I was tempted to honk the horn, but I didn't because I always appreciate it when people act like they didn't see it when I fall (which is often, did it today as a matter of fact, except my friend Maryann laughed right in my face....thanks Maryann).

My bloggy future is uncertain, but I will try. I have a fun Labor Day weekend planned. It's going to be chock full of homework (already) studying (to try to get ahead) and assembling new bunk beds for the girl's room (woot).

Sorry, no pictures today, I am lazy.....tar tar.

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