Friday, May 30, 2008

Don't Mess with Texas

Last weekend was spectacular. I made the 900 mile trek to Texas to surprise my best friend for her birthday, went to the Alamo, and had no children in my midst to wake me up before I was darn good and ready. What more can a girl ask for?

Here we are....Aren't we fabulous? Cathie is on the left, and I am the one with the most excellent farmers tan.

I have had a theory about Texans for quite some time. Being in Texas this past week has only further engrained this belief into my very being. Texans like two things. Number one, and most importantly I might add, they like Texas. This was made evidently clear by the "Don't mess with Texas" and "Things are bigger in Texas" signs everywhere. You just don't see that kind of pride in say, Alabama. "Don't mess with Alabama" just doesn't have the same ring.

The other thing Texans like is high school football. While I didn't see any football signs anywhere, I did see a couple of ridiculously large football stadiums that rival that of U of M. It's high school people, come on.

All in all, if you subtract the obscene humidity, the hotness, and the heat, it's a pretty nice place.

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