Friday, May 30, 2008

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Boy do I have a lot to say today huh?
I did good this year not getting sucked into the movement that is American Idol. I hardly watched the auditions, managed to not know the name of a single contestant therefore keeping my Tuesday and Wednesday nights free.

I did however get sucked into the finale, since there was nothing else on. I figured I might as well have some inkling of what everyone else was talking about the next day.

One thing I was not prepared for was George Michael. Man I miss the Wham! days. Who would have thought that anyone would ever prefer George in butt cheek revealing shorts, four pair of socks and Reebok high tops?

I have decided that George looks a lot like our good friend Linda Richman.

All I have to say is, The Prince of Tides was neither about a prince nor tides. Talk amongst yourselves!

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